Welcome to Voltar's webmasters resource page
Its very limited right now but it will be building very soon so check back often
These are some programs that make me money...i get a bonus of some sort if you join them.
They pay me some small percentage of what you sell (but out of thier part of the $$$, not your part)
so i'm only putting up the ones that make money for me and my sites...it does me no good to send anyone to a program that doesn't make you any money!!!
Now how much more honest than that can I be! Ok tab down for $$$ making choices

It's time for everyone to start making money!

This site makes me money all the time
Great converting Gay Sites and new HOT straight sites too!
Check them out today!

Webmasters can make money!

Webmasters can make money!
This site has Strong R-rated Photo personals, I convert signups EVERY month and they pay..
The great thing about personals is that they add content and return traffic
When you us them not only do you get a few bucks from them but you also get signups for your other sponsers from the traffic
...oh and make a page for the SE's just for personals...they love them!

Webmasters can make money!

Webmasters can make money!
A Tamer More G-rated Photo personals for the soft-core lovers :))

Webmasters can make money!

Webmasters can make money!
What can i say...they host everything...check them out before you leave

First off i need to add two places that every webmaster should know about
NetPond - a Webmaster Must! - New York Whores - Damn good Program! - CashQuest - Makes Me money!

Now back to Cum Square Webring Click here